GODEBUG=gctrace=1 #prints garbage collector events at each collection, summarizing the amount of memory collected and the length of the pause.
GODEBUG=gcpacertrace=1 # causes the garbage collector to print information about the internal state of the concurrent pacer.
GODEBUG=memprofilerate=X # update the value of runtime.MemProfileRate
GODEBUG=inittrace=1 #prints a summary of execution time and memory allocation information for completed package initialization work.
GODEBUG=schedtrace=X #prints scheduling events every X milliseconds.
GODEBUG=netdns=go # DNS相关,force pure Go resolver
GODEBUG=netdns=cgo # DNS相关,force cgo resolver
GODEBUG=netdns=1 # DNS相关,print its decisions,这个比较有用会告诉你合适发生了DNS解析,以及DNS解析的尝试顺序
GODEBUG=http2client=0 # disable HTTP/2 client support
GODEBUG=http2server=0 # disable HTTP/2 server support
GODEBUG=http2debug=1 # enable verbose HTTP/2 debug logs
GODEBUG=http2debug=2 # ... even more verbose, with frame dumps
GOGC 用于控制GC的处发频率, 其值默认为100,
意为直到自上次垃圾回收后heap size已经增长了100%时GC才触发运行。即是GOGC=100意味着live heap size 每增长一倍,GC触发运行一次。
如设定GOGC=200, 则live heap size 自上次垃圾回收后,增长2倍时,GC触发运行, 总之,其值越大则GC触发运行频率越低, 反之则越高,
如果GOGC=off 则关闭GC.
虽然go 1.5引入了低延迟的GC, 但是GOGC对GC运行频率的影响不变, 仍然是其值大于100,则越大GC运行频率越高,
方法一:设置环境变量 GOGC=off
方法二:运行时调用 debug.SetGCPercent(-1