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Example Deployment

  1. Make sure you've built the included Dockerfile with make docker-build. The image should be tagged as directxman12/k8s-prometheus-adapter:latest.

  2. Create a secret called cm-adapter-serving-certs with two values:
    serving.crt and serving.key. These are the serving certificates used
    by the adapter for serving HTTPS traffic. For more information on how to
    generate these certificates, see the auth concepts

    in the apiserver-builder repository.
    The kube-prometheus project published two scripts
    and to create the cm-adapter-serving-certs secret.

  3. kubectl create namespace custom-metrics to ensure that the namespace that we're installing
    the custom metrics adapter in exists.

  4. kubectl create -f manifests/, modifying the Deployment as necessary to
    point to your Prometheus server, and the ConfigMap to contain your desired
    metrics discovery configuration.

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