This is the documentation for etcd2 releases. Read etcd3 doc for etcd3 releases.
This document tracks people and use cases for etcd in production. By creating a list of production use cases we hope to build a community of advisors that we can reach out to with experience using various etcd applications, operation environments, and cluster sizes. The etcd development team may reach out periodically to check-in on your experience and update this list. is the longest continuously running etcd backed service that we know about. It is the basis of automatic cluster bootstrap and was launched in Feb. 2014:
CyCore Systems provides architecture and engineering for computing systems. This cluster provides microservices, virtual machines, databases, storage clusters to a number of clients. It is built on CoreOS machines, with each machine in the cluster running etcd as a peer or proxy.
Radius Intelligence uses Kubernetes running CoreOS to containerize and scale internal toolsets. Examples include running JetBrains TeamCity and internal AWS security and cost reporting tools. etcd clusters back these clusters as well as provide some basic environment bootstrapping configuration keys.