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show global variables like 'innodb_page_size';

| Variable_name    | Value |
| innodb_page_size | 16384 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Mysql 一页的大小为16K

mysql b+ tree 3阶索引能存多少数据

Understanding B+tree Indexes and how they Impact Performance

Consider InnoDB whose page size is 16KB and suppose we have an index on a integer column of size 4bytes, so a node can contain at most 16 * 1024 / 4 = 4096 keys, and a node can have at most 4097 children.
So for a B+tree of height 1, the root node has 4096 keys and the nodes at height 1 (the leaf nodes) have 4096 * 4097 = 16781312 key values.
This goes to show the effectiveness of a B+tree index, more than 16 million key values can be stored in a B+tree of height 1 and every key value can be accessed in exactly 2 lookups.

How important is the size of the index values?

As can be seen from the above example, the size of the index values plays a very important role for the following reasons:

  • The longer the index, the less number of values that can fit in a node, and hence the more the height of the B+tree.
  • The more the height of the tree, the more disk accesses are needed.
  • The more the disk accesses the less the performance.
    So the size of the index values have a direct bearing on performance!

I hope you have understood how B+tree indexes work and how they are used to improve the performance of lookups. I hope you have also understood how important it is to keep the height of the B+tree smaller so as to reduce the number of disk accesses.


  • 第一层
  • 第二层
  • 第三层

对于MySQL,1亿行将有一个大约4层深的B + Tree

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